Duck Crepe Paper Costume

materials needed:  (5 yr.size)
3 Folds No. 11 White Crepe Paper

1 Doz. No. 78 Wire

1 Sheet No.3 Mat Stock

The Duck crepe paper costume is made over a simple waist that slips on over the head. The tail is made first and sewed to the back of the waist. It is made on a muslin foundation reinforced with wire and the feathers are pasted on in rows. The waist is entirely covered with rows of feathers, sewed on one row above the other.

The wings, made as described on the “How to Make Wings” page, are sewed on each side.

The cap is made over a tight fitting foundation.  You can find instructions for making hats on the “Making Crepe Paper Hats” page.

The beak and eyes are of yellow cardboard.

Before making the Duck Crepe Paper Costume you may want to read the Basic Instructions for Making Crepe Paper Costumes.

You can also make the Duck Costume as a slip-over cos­tume.

This Costumes and MANY others are found in the book: How to Make Crepe Paper Costumes

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