Court Jester Crepe Paper Costume

Materials Needed (adult size)

2 Folds No. 83 Ruby Crepe Paper
1 Fold Crepe Paper each:

Nos. 81 Red, 65 Orange, 64 Light Orange, 63 Dark Amber, 61 Light Amber

This is another slip-over costume. The foundation extends from neck to waist, front and back. Fringe is fastened to the bottom and above it are sewed rows of pointed ruffles. A tiny brass bell is fastened to each point. The collar and cuffs are sewed to pieces of tape and tied on after the rest of the costume is in place.

Before making the Court Jester Costume you may want to read the Basic Instructions for Making Crepe Paper Costumes and How To Make Slip-Over Costumes

This Costume and MANY others are found in the book: How to Make Crepe Paper Costumes

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