Set the scene by turning your party area into a magical cave. Drape the furniture in black sheets (this will also help to protect your furniture) and set up an altar with a Book of Shadows and some magical decorations. You can get these items from a new age shop, or make your own, covering old books and using a light fitting globe for a magic crystal ball.
To make a book of shadows, cover a large book with black paper. Open the book and lay it flat. (Don’t do this with a book you want to keep!) Glue all the pages together except the two where you opened the book. Glue two sheets of paper with spells printed on them (you can print spells off the Internet) to the open pages.
You can also paint the pages with white acrylic paint and stick on pictures of unicorns and other mythical creatures when they are dry.
Prop the book on the altar – you can use a book rest or rest it against a candle in a bottle. Add black candles in black candleholders, a pack of tarot cards and some crystals.
To make the crystal ball, place the light fitting globe side up in a round black box – the box needs to be too small for the whole globe, so that it sits up on a stand. Drape it with a silk scarf and do impromtu `readings’. If you can fix up a light in the box to switch on and make the crystal ball glow, it will look terrific.
If you have dragon or magic themed statues and ornaments, put them on display, or cut out paper dragons and mythical creatures and pin them up.
Haunt your cave by draping old white sheets or pieces of cheesecloth over helium balloons. Paint on scary faces and let them float up to the ceiling. You can also put a masks and wigs on your helium balloons and let them loose.
Decorate the corners of the room, archways and doors with fake cobwebs. You can buy fake cobwebs that spray on or stick on at a Halloween party supply store.
Use a large black laundry tub with a handle for a cauldron, and fill it with lime drink or party punch and strange plastic toy animals rats, toads, lizards. These make great party favors for the guests.
You can set your cauldron on a pile of crumpled up red and yellow cellophane paper to like a blazing fire.
Fill goblets or champagne glasses (you can use plastic champagne glasses and paint them with silver water based craft paint) with strings of brightly colored glass beads, old paste jewelry and gold chains spilling over the side. Scatter small crystals and shiny paste jewels mixed with Gummi eyeballs around the bases of the goblets. These look great set out on the food table.
You can make simple magic wands out of foot long pieces of dowel rod, or even long chopsticks. Paint the wands black and the tips gold. But if you really want to impress, go into the country and cut straight pieces of fallen branches to make wands. Bunch them in decorated large cocoa tins for your guests to play dueling games a la Harry Potter.
As the head witch or warlock, you can create a great costume that doesn’t cost too much. Make your magical hat out of a large sheet of construction paper curved into a cone shape. Cut the bottom of the cone to fit your head, tape the ends firmly in place and paint black. While the paint is still wet, sprinkle the hat with glitter dust and let it dry. You can also cover your hat with silver and gold cut out stars and crescent moons.
Make a simple robe out of length of dark coloured sheeting or satin, 60 inches by 120 inches. Fold the fabric in half lengthways, and cut an opening unto the fold in the upper piece of cloth. Cut a shallow neckline to fit your neck. You can hem the edges to make it look neat. Sew the sides of the robe up to 16-20 inches from your armpits (adjust for your size). Clasp the front neck edges of the robe with a paste brooch in a magical design, such as a pentacle.
Now invite every witch and warlock you know to this great Halloween party theme!