Miss Springtime Crepe Paper Costume
Materials Needed
This is a simple frock of delicate pink crepe paper. The skirt is scalloped at the bottom and trimmed with a heavy border of pink blossoms cut from Decorated Crepe and pasted in place. Heavy wires wrapped with pink crepe paper bent in shape and covered with the blossoms are sewed in place at the waist.
Narrow pink ribbons, with blossoms sewed or pasted to them at irregular intervals, hang from the wires. The pictured hat is made as described on the “how to make crepe paper hats” page. It, too, is trimmed with the pink blossoms that cover the entire crown.
Before making the Miss Springtime Costume you may want to read the Basic Instructions for Making Crepe Paper Costumes and How To Make Slip-Over Costumes
This Costume and MANY others are found in the book: How to Make Crepe Paper Costumes
You can also find more Homemade Costume Ideas at our Vintage Halloween Ideas web site.