Lily Crepe Paper Costume

Materials Needed: (14 yr. old size)

3 Folds No. 11 White Crepe Paper
1 Fold No. 41 Apple Green Crepe Paper
1 Fold No. 46 Leaf Green Crepe Paper
1/2 Doz. No.7 Wire
1/2 Doz. No. 10 Wire

Make a fringe of light green crepe, about 10 inches deep, cutting the paper with the grain and sew four thicknesses to the muslin foundation. Cut six large white petals and wire each through the center. Sew to the foundation at the waist and paste together part way down as shown in the illustration. Crush green crepe as described on the How to Crush Crepe Paper page and cover the entire waist. Instead of using crushed crepe for the waist it may be covered with green leaves like those used for the Daffodil Costume. The hat consists of a large flower. Six petals, each wired through the center, are used. Paste them together part way down, then turn the points back. It will not be necessary to make a foundation.

Before making the Lily Costume you may want to read the Basic Instructions for Making Crepe Paper Costumes and How To Make Slip-Over Costumes

This Costume and MANY others are found in the book: How to Make Crepe Paper Costumes

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