Homemade Tally Cards or Score Cards (1920's)

Tally or Score Cards for Halloween http://vintageinfo.net/homemade-tally-cards-or-score-cards-1920s/Often, Tally Cards or Score Cards are used during a Halloween Party to record the winner of each game or stunt.

You can easily make them with gummed seals, stickers or cut-outs and perhaps an artistic touch with a brush or marker.

Seal H 639 decorates a tally card in the drawing and two stuck together hold the tiny pencil in place.

Seal H 653 is also used for a score card in the illustration.

The pencil is transformed into a broom with a witch astride using some crepe paper, gummed seals H 641 and H 653.

This Halloween Tally Card Idea is from the1923 Dennison’s Bogie Book. Get your own Digital Edition of this vintage Halloween book by CLICKING HERE.


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