From decoration ideas for creating “Satan’s Lair” to a very creepy walk on “Satan’s Trail” – this “Devil May Care” Dance will definitely be scary! Enjoy this Vintage Hallowe’en Idea…
Adopt a “Devil May Care” attitude about your Hallowe’en Dance! For all you know, he may. Judging from the appearance of the hall, he does!
Right from the pages of Dante1 comes the inspiration for this hall trim! There are thrills and chills in store for all who enter here!
To turn your hall into Satan’s lair, you will need the following material; (Quantities will depend on the size of your hall.) Flameproof Crepe Paper in the following colors: Black, Yellow, Amber, Orange, Medium Pink, Flame and National Red, Gray, White and Stone-Wall; Black streamers; black mat stock; white poster paint; medium weight wire; India ink; paste and tacks or a staple gun.
Make all cut outs ( smoke, rocks, bones, Satan, etc.) before you decorate the hall, so they will be ready to put in place at the last minute.
Cut charred trees, “horrible heads”, bats and rocks from black mat stock,using scale patterns at end.
Cut ghosts (scale pattern at end) from White Crepe Paper and paint in features with India ink.

Wind long strips of wire around a broom stick to make coils that appear in doorway (Fig. B). When you trim the hall, stretch wires out, leaving wide coils as shown in Illustration. Tack wires at top to doorway 1 and at bottom to floor.
When you arrive at the hall for the actual business of putting up the trim, step ladders, staple guns (or masking tape), paste and pins will become part of your equipment. NOTE – If you cannot use tacks or staples on the walls, test it for masking tape before you start. Masking tape will not adhere on all surfaces. If this is the ease, you will have to eliminate the background and depend on cut-outs for your decorations.
Use 10″ wide strips of FLAMEPROOF Crepe Paper for the entire background. Starting at the top of the wall (7 or 8 feet from the floor), tack or staple as in Fig. C or fasten with masking tape as in Fig. D, strips of Stone-Wall Crepe around the wall.
Unfold and stretch fully, strips of Yellow Crepe Paper. Refold them to a 20″ width, and cut an irregular border across the top as in Fig. E. Overlap Stone-Wall strip to depth of border and fasten to wall as you did Stone-Wall strips.
Stretch each successive strip the same way and tack on at slightly varying angles, overlapping each strip Just a bit. Continue colors in this order; Amber, Orange, Medium Pink, Flame Red, ending in National Red. The last strip should come close to the floor.
Paste or pin cut-outs to the walls, using Illustrations as your guide.
Unroll and crush Black streamers, then drape them like withered vines, across the top of the stone wall. Loop smoke clouds out and pin or paste them tn bottom of wall along floor. Vary colors and arrange as in Illustration.
Satan, sitting on a rock in the corner, can be either the M.C. for the evening, dressed in character, or a stuffed effigy of the “Old Boy” himself; For a likeness, stuff a suit of long underwear with newspapers. Wire it so it will hold a realistic, position. Stretch and crush large sections of Red Crepe Paper and paste them over entire figure, to cover it completely. For head -stuff a paper bag and cover it with Red Crepe Paper. Cut features from Black and White Crepe Paper and paste in place. Wind wires with Black Crepe Paper and insert in head for horns. Satan’s cape is made from Black Crepe Paper. His fork is a real one.
The skull can be made just the same as the Devil’s head, substituting White Crepe Paper for Red. Wind chin in with a narrow band of crepe paper to make it narrow.
Long claw-like hand and bones are made of wires covered with White Crepe Paper and shaped as desired.
Dancing will supply most of the evening’s entertainment, but it does seem a shame not to have a genuine Horror Trail sometime during the evening when the setting is so perfect for it!
The following may start you off on the right trail:
If Satan is your M.C ., he will read the following lines, through an amplifier as the guests travel a prearranged trail. It is better to let them go in groups, several at one time. Be sure to blindfold each guest securely before the Journey starts. Suggestions for the trail will follow the story.
King Satan sat upon his throne Surrounded by flaming fires, His friends in fury danced about To watch the fate of liars!
Lo, you trembling wraiths, come forth His judgment to receive, Although you plead both long and hard There will be no reprieve.
Come, harken to his court the while By chance we may ascend Some other wayward soul to meet And warn them of this end.
His voice, metallic in its tone Our fearful ears accost, “Go forth, my bidding must be done, Or you will all be lost!
Walk barefoot through the haunted wood, On to the River Styx Cross on the damp and slimy stones Up to a wall of bricks.
- Victims remove shoes. Walk on burlap spread with pine needles. Spray hose over smooth stones. Any brick or concrete wall.
Mount on a beast of burden now Ride high on unmarked trails, The passage is so narrow here That mere man’s footing fails.
- Plant, covered with fur mat or old coat. Two men propel it, stumbling “over narrow trails”.
A nest of snakes on craggy peak Will serve you well to arm Braid them into a wreath to wear To keep you safe from harm.
- Damp macaroni in rock nest.
- Victims braid own crown, while still blindfolded.
Wear then your slimy crown – held high As on through no man’s land. There writhing bodies on the ground Will bid you lend a hand.
- Bags of rags on ground. Someone clutches at victim’s ankles.
Heed not their cries, for now there comes, The fifth and final test.
A Devil’s paint brush by a well, Will let you know the rest;
- Devil’s paint brush or dried fall asters by bucket of water.
With all the strength that you have left, Blow on this downy head. If all the down blows off – you’re free, If some remains – you’re dead ….
- A great crashing of thunder, made by shaking a roll of tin.
Satan reads these words through a loud speaker, while guests are in the hall.
When they leave the hall in Verse 5, his voice follows via a loud speaker.