Packaged candies make delightful favors. A few seals, cardboard cut-outs, a bit of crepe paper and Cellophane will work wonders. Instructions for making the Cat Bouquet Favor:
To make the flowers, cover a Life Saver with a 3-inch circle of crepe paper. Stretch the paper thoroughly and pinch it together underneath the mint. Tie it with a 6-inch length of spool wire and bend the ends down to form a stem. Wrap with a narrow strip of crepe paper.
Make one flower each red, orange, light amber and dark amber. Make a rosette of inch-wide strips of green Cellophane. Fasten the rosette and the Life Saver flowers to one end of a 12-inch length of No. 7 wire, using spool wire to secure them, and wrap with a narrow strip of yellow crepe paper. Bend the end of No.7 wire into a triangular-shaped base.
Cover a package of Life Savers with orange crepe paper and glue it on the wire base, and finish by adding a black cat cut-out (H 91).